
School holidays3 Jul 2023 - 14 Jul 2023

Uniform Shop8 Sep 2023 - 8 Sep 2023

In the undercover area

Uniform Shop25 Aug 2023 - 25 Aug 2023

In the undercover area

Uniform Shop11 Aug 2023 - 11 Aug 2023

In the undercover are.

Uniform Shop28 Jul 2023 - 28 Jul 2023

In the undercover area.

Belmay Cross Country (weather permitting)9 Jun 2023 - 9 Jun 2023

Children are required to wear a faction-coloured shirt for the event. Please ensure your child has a hat, water bottle, warm jumper and appropriate shoes for running. 

Spectators are welcome. 

Pizza Lunch P&C Fundaiser12 Jun 2023 - 12 Jun 2023

Cost: $3 for 2 slices

Orders due Wednesday 7 June.

No late orders will be accepted and no change given.

Term 2 Week 4 newsletter

The Newsletter for Term 2 Week 4 is now available.

Redcliffe Eagles Looking for more Female & Male players


Year 1

Year 2


Year 3, Year 4, Year 5

Year 6 -- Boys

Register Now

0402 383 189


Second Hand School Uniforms

With winter weather upon us, please be aware that Belmay's P&C has Second-Hand Uniforms available in winter stock, in a variety of sizing, via gold coin donation.

Whether you're choosing to reuse or donating any unwanted unforms for reuse; we are thankful for you contributing towards reducing waste for a better future for our kids 😊

To get in contact with a P&C member for Second-Hand uniform enquiries, please ask at the school office (Ph. 6278 5400).  

Donated uniforms are also gratefully accepted at the school office.