
Connect and Respect/Engagement

The Department of Education has developed the following resources to help parents, carers and visitors understand what respectful engagement looks like and what they can expect from us:

Connect and Respect


Belmay P.S. Attendance flowchart

A copy of the process for student attendance is available for download here.

Belmay P.S. Homework policy

A copy of the Homework policy is available for download here.

Belmay P.S. SAER policy

Belmay Primary School acknowledges that all children have the right to an education that is equitable and embraces diversity. A copy of the SAER policy can be downloaded here.

Student Mobile Phones in Public Schools policy

The State Government announced a new Student Mobile Phones in Public Schools policy to take effect from the start of Term 1, 2020.


The policy requires all public schools to implement a ban on the use of mobile phones for all students from the time they arrive at school to the end of the school day. This extends to the use of smart watches which need to be on aeroplane mode during this period. As we already have a phone use policy that meets these minimum requirements, there will be no changes for our school. Our existing policy will remain in effect.