
Belmay Primary School expects all students to be wearing correct uniform at all times whilst at school and/or during school hours. Parents and care providers are encouraged to provide an explanation if a student is not wearing their uniform, but this does not preclude them from attending class.

Orders can be placed directly with Eclipse Universal by filling in this form and sending it to them via email or post.

The online store is available 24/7 for parents.  https://schooluniformstore.com.au/

The School Shop will open for Term 4 2024 on the following dates and times:

Friday 18 October (Week 2)     8 am - 9:30 am

Friday 1 November (Week 4)     8 am - 9:30 am

Friday 15 November (Week 6)    8am - 9:30 am

Friday 29 November (Week 8)     8 am - 9:30 am

The School Shop is located in the undercover area.

If your child/ren have outgrown their school uniforms, think twice about throwing them away. They can be a big help to others in the community.

If you need second hand uniforms please ask one of the office staff for information.