Reporting to Parents

At Belmay Primary School, reporting is a regular part of the teaching and learning process.

Staff at Belmay Primary School believe in strong partnerships with parents/caregivers. Ongoing communication throughout the year is critical to ensure parents/caregivers are kept informed of their child’s progress by receiving timely advice at important stages in their child’s development. Teachers will inform parents/caregivers when a child is experiencing difficulties or learning problems, as soon as they become apparent.

The school will use a variety of methods for reporting students’ progress and achievement, ranging from informal reporting as needs or opportunities arise, to formal reporting undertaken in structured ways at certain times of the year across the school. Connect will be the main communication tool between home and classroom teachers.

The Department of Education requires all schools to engage in two forms of formal reporting to parents about student achievement each year.

The following schedule has been developed for reporting to parents.

Schedule for Reporting to Parents

Term 1 • Weeks 2 - 3 Class Meeting

Term 2 • Week 11 Formal Report

Term 3 • Learning Journey: Date TBA

Term 4 • Week 10 Formal Report

Note: Parents of children on IEPs or IAPs or IBPs or GEPs will be contacted and encouraged to be involved in a meeting.

IEP = An Individual Education Plan devised to meet the individual educational needs of a student.

IAP = An Individual Attendance Plan devised to meet the Department of Education requirements of regular attendance.

IBP = An Individual Behaviour Plan devised to meet the individual behavioural needs of a student when the school behaviour management process is not working.

GEP = A Group Education Plan devised to meet the educational needs of a like group of students.