Thank you to our fabulous P&C for their ongoing consideration and support.  As we have been reminded in recent times; 'We are all in this together!' and that is certainly the case at Belmay Primary School.

Follow Belmay Primary School P & C Assoc on Facebook.

Our elected P&C for 2024 --

Office-holders are as follows:

  • President: Aroha Mills Barlow
  • Vice President:  Hayley Gill
  • Treasurer:  Cassandra Carranza
  • Secretary:  Rebecca Schulz

P&C Second Hand Uniforms:

For contact details please ask at the school office (phone 6278 5400). Donations of second-hand uniforms are also gratefully accepted at the office! If your children have outgrown uniform items that are in good condition, please consider passing them on to others in our school community.

The 2024 P&C Membership form is available here.

Information about the P&C and what we do

P&C Constitution