School Council

Dear Belmay, 

Our School Council represents the school community in the process of school planning and policy development.

Members participate in establishment and review of school priorities (including general  policy direction, financial arrangements and approval of contributions and charges) and the evaluation of school performance. They also provide advice to the school to foster positive relationships between the school and the community.



  • David Gerstorfer (Acting School Council Chair, Teacher Representative)
  • Sarah Durham (Principal)
  • Terry Harney (Deputy Principal)
  • Cassie Rowe MLA (Community Representative)
  • Ronnie O'Neil (SEMLDC Principal)
  • Hannah Klauz (Teacher Representative)
  • Storm Manning (Teacher Representative)
  • Mark Davie (Parent Representative)
  • Shane McKay (Parent Representative)
  • Sian Dennerley (Parent Representative)


I am very much looking forward to what I am sure will be a most productive and positive partnership!

Warm regards

Sarah Durham


Department of Education information regarding School Councils.